OnPoint Facts Videos

Does The Supreme Court Have Too Much Power?
Does The Supreme Court Have Too Much Power? This nation was founded with three branches of Government: executive, legislative, and judicial. It was designed that way so checks and balances were in place with the division of power across three separate...

Medical Care and the Health Risks Forced Upon Women by Abortion Bans
Between a Rock and a Hard Place Much of the political debate about abortion in America focuses on abortions performed late in pregnancy, but the overwhelming majority of them occur in the first trimester. Forty-three percent of all abortions occur in the first six...

Myth: Universal Healthcare in America Would be Very Expensive
Myth: Universal Healthcare in America Would be Very Expensive Healthcare is like education: everybody needs it, regardless of their budget, but it’s expensive. That’s why all advanced economies, except the United States, fund it through taxation. Julianna Truesdale...

The more steps you and your family can take to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the safer you and your loved ones will be.
Mask Up! Many People With COVID-19 Do Not Know They Have It!Your Loved One Could Become Seriously Sick or Die from COVID-19Julianna TruesdaleWhy is it important to wear a mask around my relatives? COVID-19 cases and deaths are rising across...

Are you going to be 18 on or before January 5, 2021? Make History – Vote!
Are You Going to Be 18 On Or Before January 5, 2024? Make History - Vote! (Comprehensive voting information is below). Are you tired of the way politics play out and often don’t make effective or lasting change? Do you want to be represented by a Senator who will get...

Our Vote. Our Future.
Our Vote. Our Future.Our Country is in Chaos. We Must Unite this Great Nation. American workers have been the backbone of this country. They have sacrificed for this country. They built this country and have even died for this country. Too often their role has been...

Does My Lone Vote Matter? Yes, ONE vote has changed history!
Does My Lone Vote Matter? Yes, ONE vote has changed history! One of the most common reasons people give for not voting in elections is that they feel their lone vote doesn’t make a difference. History, however, shows otherwise—especially when it comes to presidential...

Coronavirus, Climate Change, and the Environment
Coronavirus, Climate Change, and the Environment While there is no direct evidence that climate change is influencing the spread of COVID-19, we do know that climate change alters how we relate to other species on the planet and that does affect our health and...

Do you know how much plastic waste is dumped into the ocean?
Do you know how much plastic waste is dumped into the ocean? Click to watch the video. OnPoint Facts What can you do to help reduce our global plastic waste? Other Environment Articles

Does President of the United States Have Too Much Power?
Does President of the United States Have Too Much Power? Questions about whether the US president has too much power have been raised regularly since America’s very first days. Are you concerned that President Trump may have gone too far in overstepping his boundaries...