Myth: Universal Healthcare in America Would be Very Expensive
Myth: Universal Healthcare in America Would be Very Expensive Healthcare is like education: everybody needs it, regardless of their budget, but it’s expensive. That’s why all advanced economies, except the United States, fund it through taxation. Julianna Truesdale...

The more steps you and your family can take to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the safer you and your loved ones will be.
Mask Up! Many People With COVID-19 Do Not Know They Have It!Your Loved One Could Become Seriously Sick or Die from COVID-19Julianna TruesdaleWhy is it important to wear a mask around my relatives? COVID-19 cases and deaths are rising across...

Americans Pay Almost Double for Health Care
The United States has the most expensive health-care system in the world, but when comparing our population health with our international peers we have poor health outcomes.